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Make your journey to the cloud simple and fruitful by employing our expert Cloud services and gaining cloud expertise with our AWS Classroom Training courses.
AWS Cloud Training
Explore our AWS Cloud, GCP and Microsoft Azure classroom training courses to elevate your skills, gain certifications, and boost your career in the cloud industry.
AWS Skill Builder
Advance your professional goals with access to 600+ free courses, gain experience in an AWS Management Console, explore game-based learning, Certification Practice Exams.
Cloud Consulting for Your Business
Accelerate your business growth with our swift and efficient AWS Cloud Services. Our solutions optimize any business, size no bar.
AWS for Small Business
AWS Starter Kits for SMBs are Pre-configured AWS solutions for Small and Medium Businesses
AWS Well-Architected
Review allows cloud architects to develop high-performing, Secure & resilient infrastructure on the AWS Cloud
AWS Cloud Migration
Securely move your IT resources to the cloud; promote technical, organizational & operational capabilities.
AWS Cost Optimization
Optimize your AWS Cloud spend and maintain performance through different cloud services.
LEARN with the best
Explore AWS Practice Exam Questions
Enhance your classroom knowledge with our practice exams! Dive deeper into concepts, boost confidence, and excel in your certification exam preparation
Blog - AWS Training and Certification
Unlock the door to your Cloud success! Gain valuable knowledge of AWS Cloud training courses, exam prep strategies & certification programs. Leverage our insights to achieve your training and certification goals!
Cloud Wizard offers off-the-shelf AWS Training and Certification as well as Cloud Consulting services. Additionally, we also provide many computing exam vouchers like Google, Azure, and Comptia among others.
Yes, Cloud Wizard is an Advanced Tier Training Partner With AWS. We provide a host of AWS classroom training courses right from the foundation to intermediate and advanced level to bring a wholesome and all-round cloud expertise to anyone who aspires for it.
Cloud Wizard provides a number of Cloud Services, including AWS Well-Architected Reviews that make sure you improve the security, reliability and performance of your AWS workloads by applying AWS best practices.
Yes, Cloud Wizard provides flexible training delivery modes, ensuring uninterrupted learning for your employees. They can access our training from anywhere and at any time that suits their convenience.
No, Cloud Wizard has no minimum team size requirement for its AWS Training Program. Whether it is a single team member or an entire division, we’re here to address your upskilling requirements.
Customer Testimonials
Our expertise speaks for itself! Read more to see what our customers think of the AWS Training & certification programs we deliver.
The hands-on labs in AWS training made complex concepts easy to grasp. I can now manage cloud infrastructure effortlessly. My experience from class booking to training delivery was smooth. The operations team is responsive.
A. Martin
Senior Solutions Consultant
Happy with the AWS training delivered by Cloud Wizard! It helped me optimize our cloud resources, significantly reducing our operational costs and making the infra more secure. Received support for a month after the class.
H Goel
Cyber Security Consultant
The AWS course material was top-notch, and the instructors were incredibly knowledgeable. Better than any digital training as the live virtual classes reduce my learning time to 3 days instead of months.
F Hristovski
Unix Engineer
I couldn’t have asked for a better AWS training experience. It exceeded all my expectations. Quizzes, Hands-on Labs & getting my questions answered in real time was a worthwhile investment.
Y Rawat
DevOps Technical Lead
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