AWS Well-Architected Framework - Reliability Pillar


AWS Well-Architected Framework - Reliability Pillar

Cloud infrastructures across businesses aim at making operations smoother, secure, and most importantly, reliable. However, achieving reliability can be challenging in its own right due to single points of failure, lack of automation, and lack of elasticity. This is exactly where the reliability pillar of AWS Well-Architected Framework comes into the picture. 


It lays out the blueprint to build cloud workloads that function properly and with consistency. So, let us take a detailed look at this reliability pillar and see how it can help organizations further strengthen their cloud infrastructure. 

Reliability Pillar Of AWS Well-Architected Framework: An Overview 


The AWS Well-Architected Framework functions upon six principles, or pillars. One of them is the reliability pillar, which ensures that your workload is functioning properly and consistently. This includes its ability to recover from disruptions, dynamically adapt to changes in demand, and mitigate issues like misconfigurations or network problems.

A big part of reliability is the concept of resiliency, which describes a workload’s capability to recover from any type of problem. This could include a system glitch or an unprecedented increase in traffic. If you carefully analyze your cloud infrastructure based on this AWS Well-Architected Framework pillar and make adjustments in the workload accordingly, you could optimize its performance by a mile!

How Does The Reliability Pillar Ensure That Your Cloud Infrastructure Functions Correctly And Consistently? 


There are a number of ways in which implementing the reliability pillar can help your cloud infrastructure become more resilient and consistent in its functioning. Some of them include: – 

  1. Keep track of your workload’s performance indicators. In case of any issue, set up an automation. This ensures manual intervention is not needed to fix minor issues fast. 
  1. In contrast to traditional testing that had a focus on ensuring things work, the cloud has scope for testing how the workload fails. This is crucial in helping identify the weak spots that require improvement in recovery strategies.

  2. Don’t rely on a single resource and instead, make sure your workload is divided into smaller parts. This ensures that in case of failure of one part, the rest of them don’t get affected.

  3. Know exactly how much your workload can handle, and automate resource adjustments to match demand. This prevents overloading or underusing resources.
  1. Any changes to your infrastructure should be done automatically. This ensures that changes are tracked, reviewed, and applied consistently.

Ensure Your Cloud Infrastructure Is Reliable With AWS Well-Architected Review With Cloud Wizard 


The AWS Well-Architected Framework is a viable tool for businesses gearing up for optimizing their cloud infrastructure. Getting an AWS Well-Architected Review, which is based on this framework, from a Select Tier Services Partner like Cloud Wizard, can be of great help in locating the areas for improvement in your cloud infrastructure and make it significantly more reliable than before.

Earn $5,000 in AWS service credits per workload if you implement the review recommendations! 

What are you waiting for? Get an AWS Well-Architected Review at Cloud Wizard today!


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